
Prof. Dr. Md. Oyes Ahmed Choudhury

Managing Director of HSHL

Holy Sylhet Holding Ltd. has decided to produce high quality nurses and that is why Sylhet Women's Nursing College is established with an aim to meet the local demand as well as to compete in the global job market.

Now a day there has been worldwide shortage of nurses and Bangladesh is no exception. Considering this fact we have aimed to create an environment conducive of producing world standard nurses. I firmly believe that the students who have taken admission in Sylhet Women's Nursing College will have a bright future in home and abroad. I would like to thank the candidates and their guardians who have shown interest to take admission in this program and stepped forward to the profession which is considered as noblest of all.

Historically, modern nursing one of the noblest professions on earth got its momentum during great Crimean war in the middle of seventeenth century when Florence Nightingale, ‘The Lady with the Lamp’ came to prominence while serving the wounded soldiers. Since then nursing is being recognized as a science and arts in caring of the ill.

I have my best wishes for the prospective people who have come forward with intention of serving humanity through nursing and I sincerely hope to see them grow up with efficiency, dignity and high moral standard.

Recognized By
Bangladesh Nursing & Midwifery Council
Affilated By
Sylhet Medical University, Bangladesh
Approved By
Ministry of Health & Welfare Govt. of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh