

Post Basic BSc Nursing

Allocated hours & marks for B.Sc. in Post Basic Nursing (1st year)
Code Subject Hour’s Distribution Summative Marks Fermentative Marks Total Marks
Theory Laboratory Practice Allocated hours Written Exam Oral Exam Practical Course Work Precticum
Practical Project Defence
Background Science
1 Anatomy and Physiology 60 48 - 108 100 30 20 - - - 150
2 Microbiology & Pathology 36 28 - 64 100 30 20 - - - 150
Advanced Clinical Care
3 Comprehensive Nursing & Pathophysiology 116 - 288 438 100 30 - 20 100 - 250
Community Health Nursing 34 - - - - - - - - - -
4 Nutrition, Nutritional Assesment & Biochemistry 60 32 48 140 100 30 - 20 20 30 200
5 Epidemiology 60 - - 60 100 30 - 20 - - 150
Education & Training
6 Behavioural Science 80 - - 80 100 30 - 20 - - 150
7 Nursing Education & Curriculum Development 110 - 96 206 100 30 - 20 - - 150
Administration & Management
8 Nursing Administration & Management 80 - 96 176 100 30 - 20 - - 150
9 Nursing Research 60 - 48 108 100 - - - - 50 150
10 Study Skills 60 - - 60 100 - - - - - -
Total 756 108 576 1440 900 240 40 80 160 80 1500
Allocated hours & marks for B.Sc. in Post Basic Nursing (2nd year)
Code Subject Hour’s Distribution Summative Marks Fermentative Marks Total Marks
Theory Practice Allocated hours Written Exam Oral Exam Course Work Precticum
Practical Project Defence
1 Comprehensive Nursing and Pathophysiology 110 192 302 100 30 20 50 - 200
2 Reprodctive Health and Fertility 90 96 186 100 30 - 20 - 150
3 Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing 80 48 128 100 30 - 20 - 150
4 Nursing Educaiton and Curriculum Development 90 336 426 100 30 - 30 40 200
5 Health Education & Health Promotion 82 48 130 100 30 20 50 - 200
6 Nursing Administration and Management 80 48 128 100 30 - 20 - 150
7 Nursing Research 80 192 272 - 30 20 - 100 150
Total 612 960 1572 600 210 60 190 140 1200
Third Year Course Syllabus for Diploma in Nursing Science & Midwifery (3year)
Code Subject Hour’s Distribution Marks Distribution
Theory Laboratory Practice Allocated hours Written Oral Practical Formative Total Marks
D 111 Communicative English and Information & Communication Technology (Paper – I) 60 32 0 92 70 30 30 30 100
D 111 Communicative English and Information & Communication Technology (Paper – I) 60 32 0 92 70 30 70 30 100
D 111 Communicative English and Information & Communication Technology (Paper – I) 60 32 0 92 70 30 70 30 100
Total 684 360 48 1020 640 360 70 30 1000
Recognized By
Bangladesh Nursing & Midwifery Council
Affilated By
Sylhet Medical University, Bangladesh
Approved By
Ministry of Health & Welfare Govt. of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh